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Episode 074: Label Your Stuff


Getting organized and now you're at the part where you choose to label your containers or opt out completely?

On this episode I’m talking about all your options! There are almost endless ways to identify what’s tucked away in your opaque bins and woven baskets like clip labels of every color, dry erase labels, adhesive stickers, custom labels, label-maker labels with multiple fonts and simple or fancy borders!

You may choose to label your clear or colorful bins with a chalk pen, Sharpie, crayon, or stencil. Maybe you even label the drawer or shelf on which the container will live? You could also be the rebel or minimalist, who completely opts out of a label if you think it’s unnecessary.

I’ve fallen into all of these categories at different times! You have to choose the style that works best for you, and there’s no right or wrong here. Just make sure that if you’ve made the effort to organize your stuff, you know what is where and how much of it you have! Labels are a great way to do that.

Highlights from this episode:

{2:13} Make sure your containers are serving you in the best way possible

{4:04} Why you might NOT need to label something

{7:46} Why you WOULD label your stuff

{8:58} I love chalk pens

{12:16} Find your style

{15:24} Make sure you measure!

{18:41} Find the right labeling solution for each bin or container

{19:25} Labels make it easy for others to find their way around your home

{22:17} Get your kids to label their own things

Mentioned on this episode:

Ready to get organized without the stress and overwhelm? Keep it simple with my 3 E’s Checklist you can download now to move your projects forward quickly and efficiently! Just fill in your name and email address and the checklist will come straight to your inbox.

Have more than 3 things to accomplish? No problem! Once you’ve completed your first list of Essentials, Enhancements, and Extras simply start a new one. Instead of having a million things on your list at first, which is a recipe for overwhelm, choose 3 things for your focus. Then move on to the next 3. You’ve got this!

For more resources to organize and style your busy life in 3 simple steps, checkout and connect with me on Instagram @everythingwithstylemom for some organization motivation!

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