I’m joined by former Hollywood stylist, Jammie Baker, now personal stylist for postpartum Moms, whose “Momiform Method” is simplifying the way Moms get dressed!
She believes curating a wardrobe we love to wear doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, it could be just the boost of confidence we need to tackle our day and feel beautiful doing it!
We talked all things #momstyle from finding the perfect jeans, considering cost per wear, shopping with our kids, and crushing our personal goals! If you’re a mom, you’re going to appreciate this episode.
Highlights from this episode:
{3:08} Empowering busy Moms with curated wardrobes
{8:59} You can look amazing today too!
{14:43} Find your magic jeans
{20:21} Enclosed cognition
{24:39} "You look beautiful, Mom"
{31:12} Look good, feel good
{37:28} Dress for the day you want
Mentioned on this episode:
@jammiebaker_ on Instagram
I hope this episode inspires you to take a good look at your wardrobe with fresh eyes and create a simplified “Momiform” that makes you feel amazing! If it did please share it with a friend, and it would mean so much to me if you could take a quick moment to write a REVIEW on Apple Podcasts!
If you need some extra style inspiration, click this link to get my short FREE Wardrobe Video called Simplify & ‘Stylify’ Your Wardrobe!
Big news:
My Mom’s Organization Motivation YouTube Channel is LIVE!!!
SUBSCRIBE now with this link!
For more resources to organize and style your busy life in 3 simple steps, checkout EverythingWithStyle.com, listen to my FREE Masterclass, and connect with me on Instagram @everythingwithstylemom for some organization motivation!
Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts.
Click here to listen on Spotify.