If it’s time for a closet redo, here’s some inspo from my Dad’s with an assist from The Container Store’s Elfa shelving system.
I landed in Tennessee this summer and got the news that Dad’s closet shelves had collapsed! I got straight to work on rescuing it from an overflowing wardrobe, too many shoes, and keepsakes that were stashed deep beneath the crashed hanging rod and wire rack.
The new custom design with easy-to-mount shelving was a great solution for hanging his dressy and casual clothes, plus storing his dress shoes, sneakers, and accessories after a good purge of the items he was no longer wearing.
Highlights from this episode:
(01:01) Having fun in my Dad’s closet
(05:03) 3 simple steps
(08:55) Measure twice, go shopping once
(13:12) Customize your shelving
(17:00) How to hang high shelves and keep it functional
Mentioned on this episode:
I hope this episode inspires you to rework your closet if the current shelving and hanging situation is not serving you well.
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